Working Hard

They say that champions are built in the off season. Well, so are new baseball teams and the work has begun at ludicrous speed.

A lot has happened in a short amount of time. Here are a few things that are currently being worked.

  • We have been in contact with one of the nations largest team outfitters and are working a deal for the 2016 team and beyond. These guys are awesome.

  • A budget for the 2016 team is being structured and once finalized, will be posted.

  • The ground work for obtaining sponsorships and partnerships has begun.

  • We have been in contact with the NVTBL and will be working closely with them for the upcoming spring season.

  • Obviously version 1 of the BRB website is up. There will be a lot of updates.

  • Tryout times, location, and format are all being put together now.

Stay tuned for additional updates.
